Product catalog

Share product catalogs with your customers via WhatsApp chat. With this tool, businesses can provide a seamless shopping experience for their customers, allowing them to browse and purchase products directly within the chat.

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Showcase new product releases

Share latest product releases and updates with customers through product catalogs. Customers can easily view and share the product catalogs with their contacts, which can help retailers reach a wider audience.

Simplify customer purchases

Product catalogs on WhatsApp can streamline the customer's shopping experience by providing all relevant product information in one place. Customers can browse products, view prices, and make purchases directly within the chat.

Personalized recommendations

Provide personalized recommendations to customers based on their purchase history. By analysing customer preferences, retailers can offer relevant products and suggest new items that may interest customers.

How it works

Integration with WhatsApp Business API

Integrate WhatsApp Business API to your product catalog. This allows retailers to display their products, prices, and other details in an easily accessible format. Customers can view the product catalog and make purchases within the chat.

Product catalog templates

WhatsApp provides product catalog templates that retailers can use to create their product catalogs. The templates include fields for product details such as name, description, price, and images. Retailers can customize the templates to match their branding and product offerings.

Quick replies

Retailers can use quick replies to provide customers with fast and accurate responses to their product inquiries. Quick replies are pre-written messages that can be customized to match the retailer's brand and product offerings. Customers can use quick replies to ask about product availability, pricing, or other details.

Analytics and insights

Track customer engagement and gain insights into your product catalog's performance. View metrics such as the number of views, clicks, and conversions for each product. This data can help retailers make informed decisions about their product offerings and marketing strategies.

Best practices

Product images are a critical part of the product catalog. It's essential to use high-quality images that accurately represent the products. Retailers should optimize the images for size and resolution to ensure they load quickly and look good on mobile devices.

Make it easier for customers to find what they are looking for. Retailers should group similar products into categories and subcategories and provide clear navigation to make it easy for customers to find and browse the products.

Include product name, description, price, and availability. This information should be consistent across all channels, including the website and social media platforms.

Make the product catalog easy to navigate by providing clear and concise product descriptions, relevant product images, and a clear call-to-action to purchase the product. Customers should be able to easily find the products they are interested in and complete the purchase with minimal effort.

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