Course completion messages

Congratulate students on successfully completing a course and providing them with next steps for further education.

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Providing motivation

Sending a course completion message to students can motivate them to continue their education and pursue further learning opportunities. You can congratulate them on their achievement & encourage them to keep learning & exploring.

Providing next steps

Provide students with information on their next steps, such as information on how to obtain their certification or diploma, career opportunities, or further education options.

Building loyalty

By recognizing and celebrating their achievements, students are more likely to have a positive perception of the edtech institution and may be more inclined to recommend it to others or enroll in future courses.

How it works

Increased Engagement

Students feel motivated and accomplished, which may encourage them to explore other courses or recommend the platform to their peers.

Improved Brand Loyalty

Sending a course completion message gives the students a personalized experience, making them feel valued and appreciated. This leads to improved brand loyalty, and the students may choose to continue their education with the same platform, providing more revenue to the company.

Better Student Retention

Include information about further education, providing the students with the next steps to continue their learning journey. This can lead to better student retention, as students are more likely to continue their education if they are aware of the opportunities available to them.

Best practices

Include information about the next steps for further education or career opportunities. Offer advice on what the student can do with their newfound skills and encourage them to continue their education or training. Providing next steps can help students feel more confident and motivated to continue their learning journey with your institution.

Encourage the students to share their achievement on social media platforms by providing a shareable link to the message. This can help increase your brand’s reach and visibility, and also provide a sense of pride and accomplishment to the student. Additionally, it can also inspire their peers to take up courses and programs offered by your edtech platform.

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