Promote webinars

By sending targeted and compelling messages, you can increase the visibility of your webinars and encourage students to register and attend. This can help institutions to boost their brand awareness, student engagement, and overall success.

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Promote new webinars

By highlighting the benefits of the webinar and providing a clear call-to-action for registration, institutions can increase the visibility of the webinar and encourage students to attend.

Increase attendance

Send reminders & updates about the webinar, as well as follow-up messages after the event to encourage feedback and engagement. This can help to build a stronger relationship & increase the likelihood of repeat attendance.

Boost engagement

Send additional resources & information related to the webinar, as well as promote related courses or programs. This can help to build a stronger relationship with students and increase the likelihood of future engagement with the institution.

How it works

Increased visibility

SMS have a higher open rate compared other forms of digital communication, which means that they have the potential to reach a wider audience. By sending targeted and compelling messages, you can increase the visibility of your webinars and reach more students.

Improved engagement

By sending personalized messages that are relevant to the interests and needs of individual students, institutions can build stronger relationships with their audience and encourage greater engagement.

Higher conversion rates

By providing clear and concise calls-to-action, institutions can encourage students to register for webinars and other events, leading to higher attendance and engagement rates.

Measurable results

SMS messages can be easily tracked and analyzed, thus providing measurable results. Institutions can track the success of their campaigns and use this data to make informed decisions about future marketing strategies. This can help to optimize their promotional efforts and improve their overall effectiveness.

Best practices

Provide a clear and concise call-to-action for students to register for the webinar or attend the event. This can help to increase conversion rates and improve overall engagement.

Highlight the benefits of attending the webinar and provide additional resources and information related to the topic. This can help to build a stronger relationship with students and increase the likelihood of future engagement.

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