Special offers and discounts on flight tickets

Send promotional messages to their customers, offering them exclusive deals and discounts on flight bookings. By sending these offers directly to customers' phones, airlines can reach a wider audience and generate more interest in their services.

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Attracting new customers

Send special offers & discounts to customers who have not yet booked with you before. These offers can be targeted to specific destinations or routes and can include discount or additional perks such as airport lounge access.

Promoting sales during off-peak periods

Send messages when demand for flights is typically lower. By offering discounts/ special deals on flights, airlines can encourage more customers to book and fill empty seats. 

Rewarding customer loyalty

This can include perks such as discounted tickets, free upgrades, or priority boarding. By rewarding customer loyalty in this way, airlines can encourage repeat business and build stronger relationships with their customers.

How it works

Personalized offers

Airlines can use data analysis and customer profiling to create personalized offers that are tailored to each individual customer. For example, an airline may offer a discount on a specific route to a customer who has booked similar flights in the past.

Timely and targeted messaging

SMS offers can be sent to customers at the right time, such as during peak travel booking periods or in response to specific customer behaviors. For example, an airline may send a discount offer for a destination that the customer has recently searched for online. This targeted approach can increase the chances of customers booking with the airline.

Easy redemption

Enable customers to easily redeem SMS offers by clicking on a link or entering a promo code when booking their flight. This streamlined process makes it easy for customers to take advantage of the offer, which can increase the conversion rate for the airline.

Best practices

This can be done through an opt-in process during the booking or check-in process or by offering customers the ability to opt-out of receiving SMS messages at any time.

Sending relevant and personalized messages to customers can significantly improve the chances of conversion. Personalization can be achieved through customer segmentation, past travel history, and preferences. Relevant messaging should also include timely offers, such as discounts on flights to a destination a customer has searched for online recently.

Airlines should send offers at a time when customers are most likely to be receptive, such as during peak booking periods. Sending messages too frequently or at inappropriate times may result in customers opting out of receiving future messages.

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